
Kennel or Resort


BOARD AT A KENNEL,,,,,,,,,,,




As much as you might like to bring your dog on your travels, sometimes
it's just not possible or practical. And you may have used up all your
pet-sitting favours from family and friends.

It's time to go holiday shopping, finding a place that

will take care of your fur baby the way you want it done!

As with other travel arrangements, planning in advance is the key to success
in making sure the accommodation is a good fit for your best friend. The
options (and prices) vary from spa-like to basic packages. 


 One thing that we just do not

understand or condone, is a price increase just because it is a holiday weekend.


You should ask yourself, what
really goes on behind the kennel door?

Some ‘kennels’ overbook, in which case you may find that some of the dogs are simply crated to accommodate
the overflow. You need to inquire about this. Some will put multiple dogs in the same space for sleeping and/or
daycare which will allow for more visitors.

Naturally, you will want to know about exercise and feeding schedules, vaccination requirements etc.... Will your pet have a separate run? 
How are emergencies handled? Is there an on call veterinarian? Will the
kennel's policy allow you to bring your dog's favorite food and a few toys?
What are the daily charges? Are there services for which there are additional
charges? Rates vary widely,, cheapest is
not always the best!

Ask about drop off and pickup times. Many ‘kennels’ are closed on Saturday afternoons through Sunday. If you
cannot retrieve your pet beforehand, you'll be charged for the extra time.

Don't' hold back. Allow yourself to become fully informed and you'll stand a much better likelihood of choosing
the right facility for boarding your dog.

Go on a tour!!!

Obviously, if a dog boarding facility will not make an appointment for you to look it over, don't even
consider it.

When you go, most importantly, sniff the air. Ask about their ventilation system, how many air exchanges do they guarantee in an hour???, this is very important as this helps in reducing air-borne viruses.   An unclean kennel will smell of lingering feces and urine. Look for cleanliness in the outdoor runs. Are food and water bowls clean? Is the yard clear of debris and hazards?

Overall, is the facility shopworn, in need of repairs? Pay attention to your first impressions. Engage the staff in conversation and pay attention to your intuition. Do they seem caring? Be sure to mention any of your dog's behavior problems or special dietary and medical needs and measure their reaction?   Employees should be cheerful and enjoying their time with the dogs.

points to look for so you and 
loved one will not be disappointed

It must
smell clean and look clean--not just in the areas where your dog will stay,
but also in play areas and other places your dog will go.

Is the
air fresh, or is there a stale-air or foul smell?
The play area should be large
enough for many dogs, since too little space can make dogs aggressive.

Comfortable bedding.
The kennel may ask you to bring
your dog's own bed,  but make sure they
also have enough bedding if they need to change it due to spills or other

Interactions among dogs.
Watch how the staff handles dogs of varying sizes; some places separate smaller dogs
from larger ones, so the small ones won't feel overpowered. 
This is usually a good thing. Observe how the dogs
staying at the kennel interact. 
Do the dogs at the kennel look happy?

Your dog's response.
Just like people entering a
not-so-clean hotel or an uncomfortable room, dogs can show their displeasure
through agitation or restlessness.  Trust
your own gut instinct, and your dog's, too. Most of all,,,,how does your dog greet you when you pick them up, they
should be happy, bouncing around, glad to see you and most of all 

           SMILES TELL IT ALL……